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The Simple Life

The Simple Life
15013 Mancroft Drive
Fishers IN
Booth: 327

Company Description:

At The Simple Life we believe that getting organized isn’t the end a simple life is.

Being organized is not a fad or a new years resolution; it is a way of living. It is a lifestyle that you continue each and every day. It is embracing minimalism instead of habitual decluttering. It isn’t about perfection; it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter. It is about saving time and money; and most importantly, it’s about improving our quality of life.

We prioritize minimalism and intentional living, working with you to create a beautiful and functional space that brings you joy and helps you live your best life!

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Memory Bins; It is so easy to get overwhelmed by the endless papers kids seem to accumulate. Ease the stress by storing your child's most cherished memories in one safe and organized spot.


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