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Ollie Lue Soap Co LLC

Ollie Lue Soap Co LLC
3144 Beechwood Drive
New Castle IN
Booth: 328

Company Description:

Ollie Lue Soap Co. is a woman-owned and operated skincare and candle company combining a love of science, nature and self-love.
Inspired by mother nature + love of the earth, all products are cruelty-free and eco-conscious packaging is used. Our background in biology fueled our love of all sciences and utmost transparency for product ingredients.

From start to finish, all products are made with you and the earth in mind. As a parent, I know how important self-care and even just a hot shower can be. I believe in providing clean and natural products for you to love and appreciate your skin.
I want everyone to be able to express self-love in little ways through every day tasks. From a colorful bar of soap in the shower to a glitter candle's sparkling flame lighting up your home. Making happy moments for yourself, because you deserve it.

About the Maker: Hello all! My name is Aubrey and I am the owner and creator behind everything that is Ollie Lue. I am a wife + mother by day and a soapstress by night. I have my bachelor's in biology and a love for all the sciences. I never thought that I would be doing something so chemistry in nature, but I wouldn't change it at all! I am thrilled to be able to combine my love of science + mother nature together and share it all with you.
It all began in February 2021 when I was expecting my second child. I knew I wanted to stay home with both of my children and set out to make that a reality. I put forth my 15years of body care product knowledge to the test and developed Ollie Lue Soap Co.

As someone with sensitive skin and an allergy to all deodorants I know how difficult it is to find something that works for you skin. That is why I will always provide something for everyone that is natural and affordable. Thank you all for the never ending love and support.

New Products

Gift Bundles
Holiday Soaps
Holiday Artisan Candles

Certifications & Awards

BSU Science Graduate, 2023 Indiana Economic Development Corporation Publication, 2023 Bulk Apothecary Maker of the Month

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